Overview (Abhay) (10-19-2020)

Hey Guys! 

I'm Abhay and I was in charge of scripting the game mechanics, sound, and UI. This included the combat mechanics, sound puzzle mechanics, enemy behavior, player movement, etc. We may have been too ambitious with our scope, but overall, many of the features implemented are, in my opinion, very awesome! The player can collect materials dropped by enemies and craft different instruments using these materials.  To kill enemies, they must play the correct combination of note and instrument, and then also use these instruments to complete tasks at doors and progress through the dungeon. I also particularly enjoyed implementing the UI  to allow the player to keep track of what they're doing. Overall this prototype has the core loop of the game, and with more type and materials, we would most likely expand the number of instruments, enemy types, and notes. Additionally, we would further lean into the idea of crafting music. 

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