Noah's Update (11/11/2020)

So we had our second playtest with our classmates this week and things went really. There were some bugs that we knew about going into the playtest that distracted playtesters a bit which was unfortunate. We had some bugs with the character controller and sound effects that come with it in which the sound effect kept playing when it should not have. There was also a bug of being able to jump above the ceiling and have your head peak through it. There was also some feedback on the telekinesis mechanic in which block can block the view of the player and they could not see where they were suppose to go. They did enjoy using it though giving positive comments that we were on the right track of things. They also really enjoyed the art and feel of the game, giving us examples of games that game them similar feelings such as portal and control. This was great to hear as this was the aesthetic we were going for. A huge thing that we got response on was that our game lacked instruction. Players were confused on what to do and where to go. Providing a way of giving instructions is definitely high on our list of things to do. There was also stuff that was exclusive to the web build such as a limited camera view that testers gave feedback on. Overall, received a ton of feedback that was super useful. We are definitely going to have work a lot to put this all together, but from what we heard from the feedback, we are definitely on the right track here. Excited to continue to put this together.


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