Update (Jackson) (11-11-2020)

We conducted a round of playtests on Monday and received a good amount of valuable feedback. Across the board, players were positive and constructive and provided us with what we should focus on going forward. 

Several testers mentioned issues that triggered when they held an object with the E button. Namely, the larger objects were positioned in a way that obstructed their view, which needs to be adjusted, and there was a bug/glitch that seemed to push them backward while holding as well. Both of these are vital and will be adjusted ASAP. There is also an audio bug that has the player footstep sound looping at the very start and the jump sound looping while in the air (resulting in a weird "flapping" sound). I will be reworking all of the player SFX and most likely replacing them with sounds that better fit our landscape, which should hopefully fix these issues.

When it came to my playtesters, most of their comments were in reference to our level's layout. They emphasized that our level needs more of a sense of direction to nudge them in the right direction. Among these comments were also the suggestion for a railing on the upper section that will allow the player to push/pull objects from the other side but still keep them from walking off of the edge.

While there is plenty of work still to be done, our idea for the end result is solidified and now all that remains is to put in the work. I am looking forward to how this will end up and I hope you are too!


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